Credit Cards For People With No Credit
credit cards with no credit check for people with no credit are a great option to help build your credit, but they’re not always easy to find. The best no-credit-check credit cards have a few key features to help you choose one that’s right for you.
No credit check required — and no annual fee
The best no-credit-check credit cards don’t have a credit check requirement to apply, but you do need a security deposit upon approval, which acts as your credit limit and is typically refundable when you graduate to an unsecured card. Some of these cards also report your credit activity to all three major credit bureaus, which will help you build your credit as you use them responsibly.
Launchpad for credit building — and no introductory offers
If you’re new to the world of credit, a no-credit-check card may be the perfect way to start building your credit. These cards are easier to get approved for and some of them report your credit activity to the three credit bureaus, which can help you build a strong credit history.
Low security deposit — and no annual fees
Secured cards are often your best bet for no-credit-check cards, as they’re more accessible to those with little or no credit history. However, they can be costly if you’re not responsible with your money.
Be sure to read the terms and conditions before applying, as some bad-credit cards can have hidden or high punitive fees, so make sure you’re aware of any that might come along.