Gas Detector Sensors and Calibration
A gas detector is an essential piece of equipment to protect you and your employees from breathing in dangerous gases that can poison or even kill. These devices can be worn on a person’s person in what is known as the breathing zone near their nose and mouth or set up in a room. Read more
These devices detect toxic or combustible gases in the air using a variety of sensors and respond by triggering an alarm to warn you of any dangers. They can be used in a wide variety of applications including mining, welding, oil/gas platforms, chemical plants, landfill operations and entering confined spaces.
The most common type of sensor is an electrochemical sensor that sandwiches an ion conductor between a sensing and counter electrodes to create a flow of hydrogen protons. When a certain gas such as carbon monoxide comes into contact with the conductor, it oxidizes and produces a current that is measured by the detector.
The Essential Tool for Safety: Understanding the Importance of Gas Detectors
Other types of gas detection sensors include a photoionization detector that uses high energy UV light to ionize a volatile organic compound causing a current flow, and a metal oxide semiconductor sensor that uses sensitive film that is activated when a toxic or combustible gas is at its peak concentration.
A gas monitor requires calibration to ensure that it is reading correctly. Recalibrating a gas monitor involves exposing it to the specific target gas that you are testing for. It is recommended that you use a cylinder of the target gas for calibration as car exhaust can contain humidity and other contaminants that may give you false results.