How Do Nootropics Work?

Whether you’re a college student trying to ace your exams, a professional hoping for a promotion or an older adult worried about dementia, the idea of taking something that can boost brainpower sounds pretty appealing. But before you rush out and buy a stack of nootropics, it’s important to understand how these supplements — also known as cognitive enhancers or smart drugs — work.URL :

Nootropics are a group of natural and synthetic compounds that improve cognitive functions in conditions where these functions have been impaired by illness or injury. They’re used most often in the treatment of chronic disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD) and narcolepsy, or for patients suffering from mild cognitive impairment and benign senile forgetting [1].

Stacking Nootropics: Maximizing Cognitive Benefits with Smart Combinations

Most nootropic supplements are available either over-the-counter or as prescription drugs. Prescription nootropics are typically cholinergic agents like aniracetam, oxiracetam and piracetam, and choline esterase inhibitors such as donepezil [2]. Dietary nootropics are generally non-pharmacological and include herbs such as brahmi, centella asiatica, Withania somnifera, guarana, ginseng and rhodiola.[2]

But although many nootropics have been shown to improve cognitive function, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support their use in healthy adults. Plus, many of these supplements haven’t been well-studied for long-term safety. That’s why most experts recommend sticking to a good diet and exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing stress to optimize your mental performance – instead of relying on nootropics as a shortcut to superhuman brainpower.